Jadar valley; Photo: Kamerades

Reject Rio Tinto – protect Serbia, a call from the European Left

The party of the European Left expressed solidarity with the people of Serbia in the fight against the opening of a lithium mine in the Jadar valley. "It is imperative that we resist this destructive project," stated the European Left.

The party of the European Left expressed solidarity with the people of Serbia in the fight against the opening of a lithium mine in the Jadar valley. “It is imperative that we resist this destructive project,” stated the European Left.

Care workers and intermediaries from the Balkans: the precarity of female work fosters a lack of solidarity

The precarity of female care workers from the Balkan countries in the EU is revealed through the relationship with intermediaries who find their posts but also take a significant percentage of their earnings through fees. This interdependence is not only economic; it is a question of class and female solidarity in a contemporary context.

The precarity of female care workers from the Balkan countries in the EU is revealed through the relationship with intermediaries who find their posts but also take a significant percentage of their earnings through fees. This interdependence is not only economic; it is a question of class and female solidarity in a contemporary context.

Who looks after the elderly in Germany? Care workers between former Yugoslavia and Germany

A great number of women from former Yugoslavia regularly go to Germany and other EU countries to perform care labour. In most cases, they are completely exploited. Moreover, individuals and institutions of the EU countries both create and abuse their situation.

A great number of women from former Yugoslavia regularly go to Germany and other EU countries to perform care labour. In most cases, they are completely exploited. Moreover, individuals and institutions of the EU countries both create and abuse their situation.

Meeting the Left: Luka Mesec

According to Luka Mesec, coordinator of the Slovenian party Levica (the Left) and Slovenian MP, the coronavirus pandemic exposed many of the capitalist system’s shortcomings, creating opportunities for left-wing politics. The pandemic has clearly shown that it is the workers, and not the managers, who ensure the functioning of our economies, emphasizes Mesec.

Meeting the Left: Arnaldo Otegi

Arnaldo Otegi is the general coordinator of the Basque EH Bildu, which unites different sectors and parties of the left. The fourth guest of the series of talks “Meeting the Left” spoke about the revolutionary program minimum, the need for a different Europe and the need to cooperate more on the left.

Meeting the Left: Heinz Bierbaum

In an interview within the “Meeting the Left” series Heinz Bierbaum, President of the European Left Party (EL), talked about the crisis of the socio-economic system and a strategic document newly adopted by his party.

Meeting the Left: Katja Kipping

The second guest in transform!’s series “Meeting the Left” was Katja Kipping, Co-Chairperson of the party Die LINKE. The conversation largely focussed on European politics.

Meeting the Left: Catarina Martins

Catarina Martins, Coordinator for the Left Bloc (Bloco de Esquerda) from Portugal, advocates forming of a European recovery fond weighing 1.5 billion €. The fund should be financed directly by the European Central Bank, stated Martins in an interview which was a part of the “Meeting the left” series.