“Step by Step to Justice”: Students from Belgrade March on Foot to Novi Sad

Students from Belgrade today embark on a protest march to Novi Sad to join their peers there on February 1 in blockading the city's bridges.

Foto: studenti u blokadi

“On Thursday, January 30, students from Belgrade will set out on a major protest march to Novi Sad, where they will join their peers in the bridge-blocking action ‘1.2 on 3 bridges.’ The demands have not been met! See you there,” stated the main Instagram account of the students in blockade.

The students have shared the schedule and route of their march to Novi Sad. They will gather in front of the Faculty of Dramatic Arts in Belgrade at 8:30 AM on January 30 and, with planned breaks, reach Inđija, where they will spend the night. They are expected to arrive in Novi Sad around 7:00 PM, after nearly 20 hours of walking.

The protest, “1.2. on Three Bridges,” has been announced in Novi Sad to mark three months since the death of 15 people in the collapse of the reconstructed canopy at Novi Sad’s Railway Station.

Students from the University of Novi Sad have stated that on that day, which is also Novi Sad City Day, they will block all three bridges over the Danube at 3:00 PM.

“We call on all students, educators, high school students, farmers, engineers, unions, and citizens who consider such actions unacceptable to join us on Novi Sad City Day in blocking the Liberty Bridge, the Varadin Bridge, and the Žeželj Bridge on Saturday, February 1. Silence is over—1.2. on 3 bridges!” declared students from the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad via their social media platforms.



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