Who takes your children for a walk?

Parents find it difficult to reconcile their work and the struggle to provide for their family with the time needed to take care of their children. Mothers bear a multiple burden, and state policies provide little besides declarative concern for the birth rate.

Parents find it difficult to reconcile their work and the struggle to provide for their family with the time needed to take care of their children. Mothers bear a multiple burden, and state policies provide little besides declarative concern for the birth rate.

Workers’ struggle during the pandemic

Striking similarities were revealed among ex-Yugoslav republics during this pandemic: the burden of the crisis was placed on the workers, who, although fragmented, organized resistance all across their shared former homeland, while at the same time facing the double threat of infection and possible termination.

Striking similarities were revealed among ex-Yugoslav republics during this pandemic: the burden of the crisis was placed on the workers, who, although fragmented, organized resistance all across their shared former homeland, while at the same time facing the double threat of infection and possible termination.

Protests in Serbia: “People are sick and tired of such injustice”

For two days in a row Serbian citizens have been protesting against their government and the new anti-pandemic measures the president had announced. Both on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon the protests started peacefully, only to turn into a havoc of protester-police clashes and police brutality as the night fell. The alt-right is trying claim the lead and steer the riots according to their agenda. Meanwhile, some left wing organizations see the demonstrations as a spontaneous expression of people’s justifiable dissatisfaction with the government and long accumulated anger.

Protests in largest Serbian cities. Government answers with police violence

Protests in Serbia erupted on July 7 after president Aleksandar Vučić announced that the government will  reintroduce heavily restrictive measures due to the bad epidemiological situation in the country. During his announcement the president put blame on the citizens for the acute health crisis. The protests continued last night in several cities in Serbia. Similarly to the first night, there were riots and brutal police violence.

Calzedonia continues production despite the danger to its workers

As Mašina found out, Calzedonia in Italy has continued production in two cities, but only on producing protective masks, as is the case with one production line in Croatia.

„Calezedonia group“ in Serbia is continuing production of its regular assortment even though the government is increasing its restrictive measures to combat coronavirus.

When you find yourself in an unsustainable position out of the blue: the appeal of workers in culture to the authorities

Many organizations and arts associations belonging to the cultural sector have recently appealed to the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia, the Belgrade City Secretariat of Culture and other relevant institutions, as well as to the expert community, requesting urgent adoption of concrete measures of support for artists, cultural workers and the self-employed sector in culture. They face economic hardship caused by the state of emergency in Serbia, which was declared due to the corona virus pandemic.